Personal AI Assistants

Personal AI Sales Assistants: Everything you need to know

Published on August 29, 2021
Venkat Sridhar
Content Writer,

Sales teams are often burdened with tasks that don’t directly impact the success of a deal. For instance, analyzing the call notes once the meeting is over or feeding the data manually to a CRM.

The time saved from these tasks could be utilized to talk to more customers and close more deals. Unfortunately, you can’t completely avoid these tasks. Neglecting these activities could mean most of your rep’s time is spent on cold calling customers which often doesn’t lead to any sales. 

Who is your right prospect?
Who is your right prospect?

But there is a way to free up your sales team’s time, and that too without compromising on these processes!

The solution is a ‘Personal AI Sales Assistant’. Here is a classic definition of it – 

“Tools to help sales teams automate tasks, such as qualifying leads, following up with them, scheduling meetings, and even performing data entry.”

How a personal AI Sales Assistant can help

Personal AI sales assistants can be used to give your sales team the edge they need to stay ahead of your competition. 

Even if you’re a lead-gathering genius, there’s only so much that you can do in 24 hours. An AI assistant can help you analyze lead data and match it with your ICP (Ideal Customer Profiles). It does so by unifying multiple data sources across your organization(such as CRM, social media, and more). Adding to this, it comes up with actionable insights and prescriptive suggestions regarding the medium and communication channel to use – all of which reduce your efforts.

The best part is you can avoid human errors as most of the tasks are performed without manual intervention. 

With a strong and accurate sales pipeline, you can reduce the costs incurred by your organization to bring in new customers, all the while increasing the pace at which you bring in new customers. 

Secondly, getting tons of leads from your marketing team can be great, but none of those leads mean anything if they’re not becoming opportunities or paying customers. As every sales executive knows, converting leads into actual sales involves a lot of legwork. 

Average Lead Opportunity Length
Average Lead Opportunity Length

This is where personal AI sales assistants can again really shine. By engaging visitors and leads with personalized experiences based on their interests, these leads can be engaged and moved quickly through the sales funnel reducing the lead-to-opportunity length drastically. 

Top features to look for in an AI sales assistant

Now that you know what you stand to gain by using an AI sales assistant, you should also know what to look for when you’re in the market for one. 

#1. Automation Capabilities

Automation is by far the most important feature you want in your personal AI sales assistant. Automating sales processes, scheduling meetings, transcribing meetings, taking notes, entering data, and handling cold leads will free up a lot of time for your sales team that they could use to talk to customers and close deals. Not only does this save time for your team, but it also reduces the money spent on doing all of those other tasks. 

For instance, Rafiki, your personal AI sales assistant, fully automates most of the manual work related to your team’s sales calls. This includes automatic retrieval of meetings from calendars, recording of calls, transcribing them, capturing notes, and coming up with intelligent insights to help with better follow-up and call prep. The best part is Rafiki also takes care of the grunt work of syncing all these data to your CRM, relieving your reps to focus on closing the deal.

Rafiki Deal Insights, you AI Sales Assistants
Rafiki Deal Insights

#2. Bot Availability

Companies should be available for their potential customers 24 X 7 in order to make a sale. Even if you work in a different time zone from your customer, and you have a perfectly justifiable reason, if you don’t answer the questions of your prospect at the right time, you could end up losing an important sale. 

However, your sales teams can’t be expected to operate 24/7 to answer customer questions. Luckily, this is where bots come in. Platforms like Ubicore and Botsent have dedicated chatbots that you can deploy to answer questions, collect information about potential customers, send data automatically to your CRM, etc. These chatbots are so advanced that they can schedule meetings with potential customers on their own. They can even enable visitors to call your directly from the chat widget, empowering you to answer questions right away.

#3. Integration with other Sales Software

Choosing an AI personal assistant that can integrate with your other tools and systems such as CRM is important. An AI sales assistant that demands you change your entire workflow structure will only end up causing a lot of internal disruption and downtime. 

A great personal AI sales assistant will fit into your existing processes with minimal downtime and integration complexity. As a result, you can focus less on ironing out technical issues, and spend more time on actually selling your solutions to your customers. 

Integration with Web Conferencing Tools -AI Sales Assistants
Integration with Web Conferencing Tools

With Rafiki, you can connect with your CRM, conference call tools, and messaging platforms in minutes thanks to its plug & play integrations with these tools. For instance, Rafiki’s Zoom integration automatically picks up scheduled meetings from your calendar and is ready even before the meeting starts. It automatically records, transcribes, generates notes by topics discussed, and analyzes your entire meeting to give you in-depth insights

Also when you combine Zoom with Rafiki and CRM you are automatically appraised on who spoke what, about what, for how long, and the exact trajectory of your deal. 

#4 Should provide handy tips as well as smart reporting

The tool you choose should regularly come up with handy tips to make your sales rep’s lives easier. It should be able to identify more valuable deals from your list, use AI algorithms to analyze your actions and find more effective ways to close those deals.

Also, make sure that the tool always has access to current data. It should also have a collective summary of the activities that each user engages in. With the help of this data, your personal sales assistant should come up with daily reports on how the day ended along with a preview of upcoming meetings. 

Rafiki can automatically generate powerful reports by capturing useful metrics with plenty of actionable insights. For instance, Rafiki can identify and display negative-sounding comments or anxious responses in the call using the ‘patience’ factor. Similarly, it captures your rep’s interaction levels, talk-listen ratio, and so on. Using these metrics,  you can correct yourself in subsequent calls.

#5 All your information in one place

The tool you choose should keep you on top of any changes to your deals and accounts with the help of instant notifications. This will greatly improve transparency when you are collaborating with your team as everyone is on the same page. 

Performance Stats from Rafiki, your AI Sales Assistants
Performance Stats from Rafiki

Also, you should be able to review changes in your dashboard to stay on track with your goals. Insightful graphs and metrics should be accessible to you to understand the reasons(if) you’re losing deals.

#6 Should offer quality transcripts and analyze them based on topics

Ask someone who spends a lot of time on telephone meetings (Like your sales reps), and most of them would confess transcribing the entire meeting to meaningful notes is one of the most laborious tasks in the world. This is where your personal AI sales assistant should help. It should record the meeting, transcribe it, and analyze it based on different topics. 

For instance, Rafiki automatically sees topics, learns your rep’s vocabulary, and proactively suggests insights with evidence to become your trusted personalized analyst.

Search Results from Rafiki - AI Sales Assistants
Search Results from Rafiki


Rafiki: The best personal AI sales assistant currently available

By understanding the needs of sales teams around the world, Rafiki is able to create the best solutions that can integrate into a multitude of existing workflows and tools to allow for minimal to no downtime in your sales efforts. 

Achieving competitive sales and revenue targets doesn’t have to mean putting your sales team on the grindstone. Using personal AI assistants can make their lives a lot easier by automating menial tasks and reducing their mental workload, allowing them to focus on the work that really matters. 

If you’re interested in taking Rafiki’s personal AI sales assistant for a spin, book a demo with us.

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