Building Rapport With Customers

15 Questions to Build Instant Rapport with Prospects

Published on July 18, 2024
Sreekanth NP
Growth Marketer,

If you’re a fan of Friends, you certainly remember this scene.

Friends Meme

We all wish it was that easy to build rapport with prospects. It’s not. But by asking the right questions, you can get them to open up and get a headstart on earning their trust.

Here are 15 questions to help you lock on to the right conversations:

#1: Can you walk me through a typical day in your role?

Why it’s effective:

This question gets the prospect talking about their world, their specific challenges, and their goals. By understanding their day-to-day struggles, you can demonstrate empathy and show how your solution can alleviate those specific pain points.

How & when to ask:

Ask this question early in the conversation, after some initial introductions and pleasantries. It sets the stage for a more in-depth discussion about their needs.

How to continue the conversation:

Pay close attention to the specific challenges they mention. You can then say something like, “That sounds frustrating. Have you ever considered [mention a relevant feature of your solution] as a way to address that?”

#2: What are your biggest goals for [their department/company] in the next year?Why it’s effective:

Why it’s effective:

Understanding a prospect’s goals allows you to tailor your pitch to their specific needs. You can show how your solution can directly contribute to their success.

How & when to ask:

Ask this question after you have gained a basic understanding of their challenges (from question 1). This way, you can connect their goals to the solutions you offer.

How to continue the conversation:

Once they share their goals, highlight how your solution can help them achieve those goals. For example, you could say, “Interesting! Our product has helped many companies achieve similar goals by [mention a specific benefit]. Would you be interested in learning more about how it can help you reach your targets?”

By using Rafiki’s Smart Call Summary, you can easily capture these key points from your conversation and use them to build rapport with prospects.

Smart Call Summary

#3: What does an ideal solution look like for you?

Why it’s effective:

This question pushes the conversation beyond simply identifying challenges and moves towards exploring potential solutions. By asking about their ideal solution, you can gauge how well your offering aligns with their needs. The second variation allows you to delve deeper into a specific pain point and understand its impact.

How & when to ask:

Ask this question after you’ve discussed their challenges and goals (from previous questions). This way, you can see how their ideal solution aligns with what you offer.

How to continue the conversation:

Listen closely to their description of an ideal solution or the specific situation they describe. Find commonalities between their needs and your product’s functionalities. You can then say, “That’s interesting! Our solution offers [mention a relevant feature] which can help address exactly what you described.” This builds a meaningful connection and rapport with prospects.

#4: Have you explored any other solutions to address this challenge?

Why it’s effective:

Understanding their current approach and evaluation criteria allows you to position your solution effectively. You can highlight how your offering stands out from any existing solutions they might be considering.

How & when to ask:

Ask this question after you’ve presented your solution and its benefits. This allows you to gauge their interest level and identify any potential competitors.

How to continue the conversation:

If they mention existing solutions, identify areas where your product offers a clear advantage. You can say, “I see you mentioned [competitor’s name]. While they offer X, our solution goes a step further by providing Y, which directly addresses your concern about [challenge].”

#5: If you could snap your fingers and instantly overcome one challenge in your role, what would it be?

Why it’s effective:

By acknowledging potential hesitations, you show that you understand the buying process and their concerns. This builds trust and rapport with prospects. The second variation helps pinpoint a specific challenge you can address with your solution.

How & when to ask:

Ask this question after you’ve presented your solution in detail. This allows them to voice any reservations they might have.

How to continue the conversation:

Address them directly and honestly. Highlight features of your solution that specifically alleviate their worries. You can say, “That’s a common concern, and I understand your hesitation. However, with our solution’s [mention relevant feature], you can be confident that [explain how it resolves their concern].”

#6: Who else within your company would be involved in the decision-making process?

Why it’s effective:

Understanding the buying process and key decision-makers allows you to tailor your approach. Knowing the next steps helps you stay aligned with their timeline and proactively provide any necessary information.

How & when to ask:

Ask this towards the end of the conversation, when you’ve established a good rapport and they seem receptive to your solution.

How to continue the conversation:

Offer to connect them with relevant resources or answer any questions they have about the next steps. You can say, “Thanks for sharing that! I understand that [decision-maker name] would also be involved. I’d be happy to connect you with some case studies or testimonials that showcase how our solution benefitted companies in a similar situation.”

#7: Can you tell me a little bit about your experience with [your industry/solution type]?

Why it’s effective:

Understanding their existing experience and vendor selection criteria allows you to position your company as a trusted partner. You can highlight your strengths and showcase how you surpass any past experiences they might have had. This helps build rapport with prospects.

How & when to ask:

Ask this question mid-conversation, after you’ve gained a good understanding of their challenges and goals. This way, you can tailor your response to their specific situation.

How to continue the conversation:

If they mention negative experiences, acknowledge their concerns and emphasize how your company is different. You can say, “I understand that your previous experience with [solution type] wasn’t ideal. At our company, we prioritize [mention a core value] which ensures [explain a benefit].” If they mention specific criteria, highlight how your company excels in those areas.

Negative experiences are especially important when a customer is talking about them. This is where those who can actively listen can make all the difference. But active listening can sound deceitfully simple. Here are the skills you need for active listening:

Active Listening Skills - New

#8: What would success look like for you after implementing a new solution?

Why it’s effective:

By focusing on their definition of success, you demonstrate a commitment to their long-term goals. Asking how you can support them shows that you’re invested in building a strong relationship and a successful rapport with prospects.

How & when to ask:

Ask this question towards the end of the conversation, after you’ve presented your solution and addressed any concerns.

How to continue the conversation:

Align your solution’s benefits with their goals. You can say, “That’s a great definition of success! Our solution has helped many companies achieve similar goals by [mention specific benefits].” Regarding their evaluation process, offer relevant resources or schedule a follow-up meeting to answer any questions. You can say, “We understand that evaluation is important. I’d be happy to provide you with some additional resources or schedule a follow-up call to answer any questions you might have as you move forward.”

#9: Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Why it’s effective:

It sounds simple and even generic, but there’s a reason it’s popular. This question shows that you’re genuinely interested in their needs and demonstrates a willingness to go the extra mile. It also provides an opportunity to address any lingering concerns they might have before the call ends.

How & when to ask:

Ask this towards the very end of the conversation, after you’ve discussed their challenges, goals, and your solution.

How to continue the conversation:

If they have additional questions, answer them thoroughly and clearly. If they don’t have any questions, you can offer next steps. You can say, “Is there anything else I can help you with today? If not, I’d be happy to schedule a follow-up call to answer any questions you might have as you move forward in your evaluation process.”

#10: How can I stay connected with you and keep you updated on the latest advancements in [your industry]?

Why it’s effective:

This question shows that you value building a long-term relationship, not just a one-time sale. Offering relevant industry updates or success stories demonstrates your continued commitment to their success.

How & when to ask:

Ask this after a positive conversation where they expressed interest in your solution or seemed receptive to learning more.

How to continue the conversation:

If they agree to stay connected, ask for their preferred method of contact (email, newsletter, etc.). For the case study, offer to send it electronically or schedule a quick follow-up call to discuss it in more detail. You can say, “Great! I’d be happy to keep you updated on industry trends and advancements. What’s the best email address to reach you at?”

Don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted follow-up email after your conversation. Rafiki’s Smart Follow Up can automatically generate a personalized email that summarizes key points from the call and highlights your solution’s benefits. This keeps you top-of-mind and increases your chances of securing the next steps.

Smart Follow Up

#11: What are your thoughts on [industry trend/statistic]?

Why it’s effective:

This question positions you as a thought leader and industry expert. It also opens the door for a more casual conversation and can help you identify areas of common ground with the prospect.

How & when to ask:

Ask this mid-conversation, after you’ve established a rapport and they seem comfortable talking openly. Choose a topic that’s relevant to their industry or the challenges they mentioned.

How to continue the conversation:

Share your own insights on the topic and ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation flowing. You can say, “That’s an interesting perspective! I recently came across an article that discussed [mention a related point]. Have you had a chance to see it?” This can lead to a more engaging dialogue and build stronger rapport.

#12: Can you tell me a little bit about your career journey?

Why it’s effective:

Asking about their career path or passions shows genuine interest in them as a person, not just a potential customer. This can help you connect with them on a deeper level and build trust.

How & when to ask:

Ask this towards the end of the conversation, after you’ve covered the business aspects but there’s still a good rapport. Be mindful of the time and keep it brief.

How to continue the conversation:

Find commonalities or interesting aspects of their story and ask follow-up questions. You can say, “That’s fascinating! I’m also interested in [mention a shared interest]. What got you into that?” This can help you connect on a personal level and create a more memorable interaction.

#13: What’s your biggest takeaway from our conversation today?

Why it’s effective:

This question helps you gauge their level of understanding and interest. Knowing their key takeaways allows you to tailor your follow-up communication. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to address any lingering questions they might have about your solution. A key to building rapport with prospects is to ensure there’s nothing unsaid that makes them anxious.

How & when to ask:

Ask this towards the very end of the conversation, after you’ve summarized the key points and addressed their concerns.

How to continue the conversation:

If they mention a specific takeaway, acknowledge it and build upon it. You can say, “That’s great to hear! Our solution directly addresses that by [mention a relevant feature].” If they have lingering questions about your solution, answer them clearly and concisely.

#14: Would you be open to connecting with a customer of ours who faced a similar challenge and successfully addressed it with our solution?

Why it’s effective:

Connecting them with a satisfied customer builds trust and social proof. It allows them to hear a real-world example of how your solution helped a similar company. Following up on resources you mentioned shows your attentiveness and ensures they have the information they need to move forward.

How & when to ask:

Ask this after you’ve presented your solution and addressed their concerns. For the customer connection, gauge their level of interest first.

How to continue the conversation:

If they’re open to a customer connection, facilitate the introduction and ensure both parties have contact information. For website resources, ask if they have any questions about what they found. You can say, “No problem at all! Our website has a wealth of information on [mention specific sections]. Did you have a chance to take a look, and do you have any questions about what you saw?”

#15: Is there a specific timeline you’re working with for making a decision on [solution type]?

Why it’s effective:

Understanding their decision-making timeline allows you to tailor your follow-up strategy. You can proactively provide additional information or schedule a demo at a convenient time to keep the momentum going.

How & when to ask:

Ask this towards the end of the conversation, after you’ve discussed their evaluation process (question #6).

How to continue the conversation:

If they have a specific timeline, offer to schedule a follow-up call or meeting within that time frame. You can say, “Thanks for letting me know. Within that time frame, would you be interested in a product demo to see how our solution can specifically address your needs?” If they don’t have a set timeline, you can offer to stay connected and provide updates on relevant industry trends or success stories (question #10).

The Cornerstone of Sales Success

By incorporating these powerful questions into your sales conversations, you’ll be well on your way to building rapport with prospects, understanding prospect needs, and ultimately, closing more deals. However, remembering these questions and effectively navigating conversations can be a challenge.

Explore how Rafiki empowers sales reps to engage prospects, build lasting relationships, and close deals faster with a free 14-day trial. Sign up today and see the Rafiki difference!


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