how to choose sales enablement

Guide to choosing the best sales enablement software for your business

Published on June 9, 2021
Venkat Sridhar
Content Writer,

Did the thought of improving your conversion rate ever cross your mind?

There are high chances that it did…

As you are reading this post, hundreds of business owners across the globe are pondering ways to better their existing conversion rate and multiply sales. Because that’s the only way to march ahead in their business!

But how to achieve it? – That’s the million-dollar question.

The answer is getting yourself and your sales team a powerful sales enablement tool.

Using a sales enablement tool, you can increase your profitability by more than 60%. Interestingly, 61% of global companies are already using sales enablement tools to improve their revenue. 

But is it the right time to get a sales enablement tool? What factors should you consider before choosing itl?

We have answers to all your questions. Read on….

What is sales enablement software?

In simple terms, sales enablement software offers resources for the sales teams to close deals faster. The resources may include tools, data, or any other vital information that can be useful to make the prospect pay for a product or service.

A sales enablement tool will accompany a sales rep throughout his/her sales journey and improve their performance. The tool will also connect the entire organization to work on the same goal by inducing collaboration between team members.

How do you know when you need sales enablement software?

Adopting any new system or software throughout the organization is never easy. You are bound to have questions like – “why do I need this tool now?” “Can I still be successful without it?” 

To help you with these questions, we have identified 3 situations when you definitely need sales enablement software – 

When your sales and marketing teams are not aligned

Sometimes your marketing team and sales team play a cat-and-mouse game while handling deals. It is not uncommon to see sights like –

  • The sales team blames the marketing team for not providing enough support 
  • The marketing team blamed the sales team for not closing a deal even after providing help

The problem here is the lack of a clear goal. Both teams should be aware of the organizational goals and support each other to attain them. Sirius conducted research and found a growth of 9% in revenue – when both sales and marketing teams work together. 

A sales enablement tool helps to bridge the gap between your sales and marketing team. It helps to share necessary data and resources between them to close deals and improve collaboration. 

Not everyone in your sales team is successful

Does this happen a lot? A bunch of sales reps close deals with their eyes closed while the rest are unable to convert a single prospect. If yes, then you badly need sales enablement software for your organization.

Using this tool, you can share how successful reps handle calls to the entire team to help them learn. This will also be useful when you are recruiting new SDRs. You can use the tool to share all critical resources with them and ramp up their onboarding. 

For example, Rafiki is a sales enablement tool that can inform you how your top performers go about their calls, what’s their sales strategy and so on. It lets you share the smallest of details related to the talk track of the top performers. 

Time spent in calls

When you are facing sinking conversion rates

If your organization is passing through a phase of low conversion rates, then it’s time for you to invest in a sales enablement tool. Identifying, tracking, and improving your mistakes is the most important step in a successful sales process. To improve your conversion, you must always keep an eye on and find the smallest of laws in your system. This is possible only with the help of a sales enablement tool 

For example, a powerful sales enablement software Rafiki comes with an inbuilt analytics engine that can identify some of the key parameters of your SDRs such as longest monologue, talk-listen ratio, patience, longest story, and so on.

Factors to consider before choosing a sales enablement software

Since there are hundreds of sales enablement tools out there, we thought of making your life simpler by picking the key factors you must consider before selecting a tool. Here are they – 

It should enhance the learning curve of your SDR

Your SDRs are your future. They should always be exposed to the latest information about the product, features, and organization. Get them prepared to answer any question posed by the client.  The sales enablement tool that you choose should be able to offer key information to your team and enhance their learning curve.

Easy to use 

Remember – not everyone is tech-savvy. A complex interface will burden those who are not well-versed in handling software. For example, when sales reps are on a call they should be able to access important information easily. They should not break their head to navigate themselves to the desired information. The more time they lose, the harder it gets to convert a client. 

It should let you manage content

Whenever you pick a sales enablement tool, remember that it will become the central repository for all your sales collateral. So the tool should be able to store call recordings, notes, shared information, etc. More importantly, the tool should let your team members create, edit, and share content effortlessly.

Inter-department collaboration 

The most important function of a sales enablement tool is facilitating collaboration between various departments. It should not be restricted to just sales and marketing teams. There can be situations when communication has to flow to other departments such as human resources or even top management. So your sales enablement tool should let easy sharing of information in real-time.

With Rafiki, it is super-easy to build collaboration between internal and external stakeholders safely. You can share key takeaways with @mentions – It’s as simple as that.

Share with groups


Understanding what content is making an impact and what is not is a challenge. It is not only important to look for traditional data points, you should take it one step ahead by correlating these data points to revenue. The sales enablement tool you choose should be capable of this transformation. Pick a platform that will let you capture what content was presented, who it was presented to, and how long they were engaged to it. These data, especially the ones driving conversions will help your sales team immensely to be successful.

Rafiki’s state-of-the-art analytics engine intelligently analyzes sales conversations that happen and comes up with actionable insights to speed up deal closure and improve revenue. For example, you can analyze the topics that created an impact. It could be pricing, competitor mentions, or a key feature about the product – Rafiki does the analysis on your behalf!

Rafiki Analytics


The biggest concern of today’s world is security. When you enable seamless collaboration between multiple people, letting them share documents, content, and more, there are possibilities of data theft. Your sales enablement tool should be foolproof and prevent any sort of cyberattacks. The tool should also have a flexible access control feature that suits your business needs.

Rafiki comes with military-grade encryption with complete access control. You can easily assign the roles to an individual and automate them for easy sharing without losing control. 

The best part is you can even set who can see or provide feedback in a team.

Final Thoughts

Working as one team has always been the secret to a successful organization. With a sales enablement tool, you can not only induce collaboration between team members but also help them achieve a higher conversion rate. 

But choosing the right sales enablement tool is important. First, identify whether you really need a sales enablement tool right now. Once you have identified the need, the next step is to find the tool that best works for your needs. Look for different features and factors discussed in this post to narrow down your choice. A tool like Rafiki is a perfect choice that will check all these factors. 

To know more about Rafiki and book a free demo with us, contact us now.

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