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Call Recording & Two Party Consent States: Read The Fine Print

Published on March 28, 2024
Sreekanth NP
Growth Marketer,

Call recording is a valuable tool for all sales leaders. By capturing sales calls, leaders gain insights into representative performance, identify areas for coaching, and refine communication techniques. However, navigating the legal landscape of call recording can be a hurdle. Which are the two party consent states? What is the exact procedure for being compliant?

When considering the legality of call recording in different countries, one must answer many questions. This article equips you with a comprehensive understanding of call recording laws, empowering you to leverage this tool with confidence.

Call Recording Laws of Different Countries

Call recording laws vary significantly across the globe. To ensure legal compliance and avoid potential pitfalls, it’s crucial to understand the specific regulations in the territories where your sales team operates. Here’s a breakdown of key call recording consent requirements in several regions (as of March 2024):

United States

In the US, the exact law depends on which state we’re talking about. Depending on the state, it can be a One-Party or Two-Party (All Party) Consent Law. For the following states, All-Party Consent is the law – California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington State. This means that you must notify & get all participants to give consent for compliance.

If a participant does not give consent, they can choose to leave the call. For all other states, the law is One-Party Consent meaning that only 1 participant needs to give consent. This can be you, the caller.

US federal law aligns with the one-party consent rule for interstate and international calls, but if such calls involve any states with all-party consent laws, the stricter state laws typically apply. All of these laws are subject to change and there may be nuances or exceptions.


According to PIPEDA, you must obtain all parties consent to record. You must first notify all parties involved in the call of your intent to record, specify the purpose of the recording, and obtain their consent before recording the call.

United Kingdom

The laws around call recording in the UK are many in number and contingent on many factors. So, to be safe, make sure all parties involved give their consent before the call is recorded.



All Australian states aside from Queensland require some form of consent (implied or express) when it comes to recording calls. However, even where consent isn’t required, there are still strict regulations surrounding what can be done with the recording and who it can be shown to.

Therefore, it’s extremely important to be familiar with the laws governing your state prior to engaging in phone recording. The Telecommunications Interception And Access Act 1979 (the TIA Act) is a federal piece of legislation that makes it unlawful to listen to a phone call or listen to a recording of a conversation without the consent of one or both of the parties to that conversation. 

According to the TIA Act, all customers and clients will need to be aware that others will be listening to their recordings (and provide their consent for this). If there’s any one else on the line at the same time, it’s important the person on the other end is aware of this and okay with it.


In India, individuals can record their own calls without the consent of others. However, a legal suit can be filed by the party to the conversation if it feels that the call recording has breached their right to privacy.

There have been legal cases where Delhi High Court has set a strong precedent by ruling the act of recording calls without the consent of the other party as a violation of the right to privacy. So, to be safe, obtain express all-party-consent before recording.

We’ve covered only select countries in this article so when in doubt, it’s always recommended to err on the side of caution. If your sales team operates internationally, consider adopting a two-party consent policy for call recording to ensure global compliance.

Rafiki sends meeting reminder emails to all participants 10 minutes before every call which notifies the call being is recorded for training/coaching purposes.

When joining the call Rafiki Notetaker announces that the call is being recorded.

If customer/prospect does not want to record the call they can notify the rep. The rep has the capability to kick the Rafiki Notetaker off at any time during the call.

Beyond Compliance: Considerations for Modern Sales

Call Recording in the Age of AI and Speech Analytics: Transparency and Trust

The rise of AI and speech analytics has ushered in a new era for call recording in sales. These powerful tools unlock a wealth of insights, but it’s crucial to maintain transparency with call participants.

When informing customers about recording, clearly explain its purpose. Emphasize that recordings are used solely to improve the sales experience and will not be used to train AI models without explicit consent. Reiterate that all data remains private and secure. This fosters trust and demonstrates your commitment to ethical data practices.

Employee Monitoring and Clear Communication

Employee monitoring through call recording can be a valuable tool for sales coaching and performance improvement. However, navigating legalities and employee privacy concerns requires a balanced approach.

A recommended practice is to notify potential hires during the recruitment process that calls may be recorded for quality assurance and development purposes. This transparency sets clear expectations from the outset.

In situations where recording legality is unclear, such as when dealing with international clients, it’s always best to err on the side of caution. Seek consent from all participants involved in the call. This demonstrates a commitment to compliance and protects your company from potential legal issues.

Here at Rafiki, we prioritize the security of your sales and call data. All call recordings are stored securely within the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which adheres to rigorous security practices and employs industry-leading measures to prevent unauthorized access. This includes data encryption in transit and at rest, along with intrusion detection systems. By leveraging the robust security architecture of GCP, we ensure your call data remains safe and protected.

In addition to the security measures provided by GCP, Rafiki is also SOC 2 compliant. This compliance means that Rafiki adheres to the high standards set for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of customer data. Our SOC 2 compliance is a testament to our commitment to not just meeting, but exceeding industry standards for data security and protection.

Data encryption plays a pivotal role in securing your information. At Rafiki, we encrypt your data at rest to protect it from unauthorized access while it’s stored in our systems. This ensures that your data remains secure, even when it’s not being actively accessed or used. Moreover, we also encrypt data in transit between our services and to and from our clients, safeguarding your information from potential interception during transmission.

Furthermore, understanding the importance of data retention policies, Rafiki provides the option to automatically delete recordings more than 180 days old. This feature not only helps in managing storage efficiently but also aligns with best practices for data privacy and security.

Informing Call Participants about Recording (Best Practices)

In case you are recording calls on your own, it’s important to know the exact steps required to do so. Here are some best practices to ensure your customers are aware of the recording and feel comfortable with the process:

  • Disclose upfront: At the beginning of the call, inform the participants that you will be recording the conversation.
  • State the purpose: Briefly explain why the call is being recorded. Common reasons include quality assurance, training, and reference for future interactions.
  • Offer an opt-out: Provide customers with the opportunity to decline being recorded if they wish.
  • Record the disclosure: Capture your announcement regarding the recording at the start of the call. This creates a verifiable record of your disclosure practice.

The Road Ahead: Recording for Sales Success and Compliance

Call recording offers a powerful tool for sales leaders, but navigating the legal landscape is crucial. By understanding consent requirements, especially the two party consent states, and following best practices, you can leverage this technology ethically and compliantly.


Rafiki empowers you to record with confidence, fostering a culture of transparency and driving sales success.

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