Best Meeting Assistants

Best AI Meeting Assistants – 2022

Published on September 21, 2022
Venkat Sridhar
Content Writer,

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm. You can find it everywhere, right from the smartphone you use to the car you drive. But if there is one area where its application has been profound, it has to be business meetings. AI meeting assistants have made the lives of all those attending a meeting simpler and way better.

AI meeting assistant is a software technology powered by artificial intelligence that’s crafted to help you manage meetings more efficiently. It achieves this by automating most of the tasks involved in a meeting. 

In this post, let’s look at the top 5 AI meeting assistant that you should consider in 2022.

Top 5 AI Meeting Assistants

Here is a brief summary of the top 5 AI smart meeting assistants – 

  1. Rafiki
  2. Avoma
  3. Otter
  4. Fireflies
AI Meeting AssistantRecord MeetingTranscriptionNote takingPost meeting follow-upMeeting Comparison Chrome ExtensionFree TrialStarting plan
SonixNoYesNoNoNoNoYes$10 /hour
AI Meeting Assistant Comparison Table

#1 Rafiki

Rafiki is much more than an AI assistant for meetings. It is a conversational intelligence tool that records your meetings, transcribes them, and captures key topics and moments of them. It can even generate notes by topic to get you started. Rafiki is an asset to sales managers because it helps their teams manage their calls and deals on their own. For example, Rafiki lets the SDRs review their call metrics on their own, compare them with their teammates, and identify where they are going wrong and how to correct them.

Key Features

  • Call notes: Thanks to this feature, your team can focus on talking to the client instead of jotting down every word. This helps them behave more naturally during a call.
  • Snippets: Rafiki can help create snippets from your call. This means you no longer have to listen to the entire call. In other words, you can be well-informed about the call without wasting a lot of time.
  • Post-demo follow-up: A one-of-a-kind feature where the tool automatically re-engages your prospects effectively after a demo or a meeting. It does this through video-embedded contextual follow-ups
  • Meeting Comparison: Lets you compare topic tracks of 2 meetings based on different parameters like time, team, reps, etc., that can help build a great topic sequence.

Check out the complete list of features here.

Pros of Rafiki

  • There is a free trial plan which doesn’t require any credit card.
  • There is a Chrome extension. 
  • Clear and transparent pricing.
  • Has a slick user interface.
  • One of the few tools to offer deal intelligence, market intelligence, and coaching intelligence.
  • The only tool in this list to offer white glove support.

Cons of Rafiki

There are no major cons as such. Though some users might get overwhelmed by the sheer number of advanced features that Rafiki offers. However, even this has been addressed by offering a huge repository of how-to guides and tutorial videos.


Rafiki Pricing
Check out the full pricing details here.

#2 Avoma

Avoma is a meeting assistant AI tool that helps in capturing important customer information before, during, and after meetings. It is also widely considered to be a collaboration platform for Sales, Implementation, and Customer Success teams. Avoma can be used to record meetings, transcribe, and summarize notes. It can also come up with actionable insights that can be synced directly to CRM.

Key Features

  • Automatic listening, recording, and transcription: this allows you to capture all the key points so that you can identify problems and solve them.
  • Reporting capabilities: enable you to see how your team is performing against specific objectives and compare it over time
  • Analytics: give you a deeper understanding of customer behavior so that you can make better decisions about future marketing initiatives.

Pros of Avoma

  • You can review calls and meetings by searching within transcripts.
  • The tool comes with a robust reporting and analytics engine.
  • The learning curve is not steep.

Cons of Avoma

  • Avoma doesn’t have important real-time evaluation features such as call moments and in-depth listening.
  • Avoma doesn’t have a call filtering feature which makes it challenging to segregate calls based on critical metrics and parameters.
  • There is no Chrome extension.


AI Meeting Assistant Pricing

#3 Otter

Otter AI is another AI virtual assistant meetings tool that was built primarily for meeting transcription. Over the years, it has evolved into a full-fledged meeting assistant that converts your conversations in Google Meet, Zoom, and other tools into intelligent notes that you can easily share with others. Otter also comes with a host of collaborative features such as real-time annotations and conversation summaries.

Key Features

  • Note-taking: Otter also has the capability to take notes and transcribe from existing recordings and podcasts.
  • Image Capture: Otter can capture images during a particular. You can then insert these images into your transcript for better context.
  • Meeting Slide: All it takes is a single click to add a meeting slide into any of your notes captured automatically by Otter.

Pros of Otter

  • The tool has a high level of accuracy and can perfectly interpret multiple sounds and speakers while recording.
  • Has an easy-to-use export feature that can effortlessly transform your podcast or video into a blog.
  • Comes with a Chrome extension

Cons of Otter

  • No multi-language support
  • Is a pure transcription software. Doesn’t offer revenue intelligence or conversation intelligence.
  • Doesn’t have an open API.


AI Meeting Assistant Pricing

#4 Fireflies

Fireflies is an AI voice assistant that uses the power of Machine learning to capture sales teams’ meetings and transcribe them. It even automatically fills all the data gaps in your company’s CRM. Fireflies is particularly known for its smart suggestions, such as the possible tasks your team must do based on a meeting’s direction. It even highlights the actionable items and next steps for the reps.

Key Features

  • Plug and Play Integrations: It can be integrated with some of the top calling tools such as Skype, Google Meet, BlueJeans, and Zoom. It is also perfectly compatible with CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho.
  • Sound Bites: This feature lets you transform important sections of your calls into shareable snippets that are accessible in your dashboard.
  • Smart Search: You can not only search for target keywords but also elements like metrics, data, time, action items, or even sentiments.

Pros of Fireflies

  • It can transcribe uploaded audio files 
  • Very easy to collaborate with people within your organization and outside
  • Offers excellent search capabilities within notes.

Cons of Fireflies

  • Doesn’t offer a summary of the meetings.
  • Doesn’t offer you the intelligence to make the most out of your meetings.
  • Not suitable for use cases outside of transcription and recording.


AI Meeting Assistant Pricing


Sonix is an audio and video transcription tool that can convert your meeting recordings into textual content. The brand claims its ability to transcribe 30 minutes of audio or video in less than 5 minutes, making it one of the fastest transcription tools currently available. The best part about Sonix is its multi-user capability that lets users share and invite other team members to work on the same transcript.

Key Features

  • Timestamps: The tool automatically timestamps every word in your transcription text. All you have to do is just click on a word to play the audio from that particular moment.
  • Speaker identification: Sonix can automatically detect speakers in a meeting and separate exchanges to different paragraphs based on that.
  • Comments: You can easily add your notes to the transcript, letting others see what you think of a particular part of the transcript.

Pros of Sonix

  • Supports more than 30 languages.
  • Can be seamlessly integrated with many productivity tools like Zapier, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.
  • Comes with a free plan that lets you explore the tool to your heart’s content before committing to it.

Cons of Sonix

  • It’s purely a transcription tool.  It doesn’t offer deal intelligence or revenue intelligence around your meetings.
  • There is no Chrome extension.
  • The learning curve is a little steep due to the cluttered UI and plenty of features.


AI Meeting Assistant Pricing


AI Meeting assistants can help you effortlessly organize, manage, and track meetings. There are so many AI meeting assistants which have not found a spot on this list. That doesn’t mean they are in any way less effective than the ones in this list. The more important thing for you to focus on is selecting the right tool. The rule is simple – the meeting assistant you pick should be a reflection of your use case, fit your budget, and offer all the features that you want. Considering all these factors, Rafiki seems to have an edge over all the other tools thanks to its robust set of features at a great price point.

Interested in Rafiki? Sign up for a free trial now.

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