Top Sales Enablement Tools

Top 10 sales enablement tools [Recommended by Sales Managers]

Published on June 12, 2021
Venkat Sridhar
Content Writer,

Deal risks, deal sizes, monthly targets, closure rates, conversion ratio… 

These are the terms you cannot probably escape from if you are a sales professional.

With so many factors impacting your organization’s growth, it often becomes overwhelming for sales reps to complete their sales goals. Making matters even worse are the barrage of distractions every day.

The sales enablement process exists for this purpose. It helps you track, analyze and complete your sales goals effortlessly. 

But what exactly is sales enablement, what are the tools involved, and why should I really care about it? We have all your answers in this post. Read on.

What are sales enablement tools? 

Before we look into the sales enablement tools, we need to define what sales enablement is. Sales enablement is – 

“The practice of providing the sales team with more information, tools, content, resources, training, and so on to help them sell more effectively.”

Out of them, the ‘tools’ have an important role to play as it provides the empowerment required by the sales rep to navigate along a sales lifecycle.

Using such sales enablement tools has made the life of sales teams better and easier as it helps in the creation of smarter strategies to achieve business goals. 

Why should you care about sales enablement?

Your sales team has their hands full already. They need to set up agendas, perform pre-call planning, execute the call perfectly, improvise where needed, and even use their consultative skills to offer tailored solutions.  While handling these tasks, they often forget the basic sales functions and deviate from the desired sales goal. A sales enablement tool offers extensive knowledge on how to better these functions close more deals.

With sales enablement, you can reduce the struggle of your sales team. Often They find it hard to convert a prospect when they do not have enough knowledge about the sales process. Sales enablement tools will make it easier to implement the right strategy for advancing their skills and offer more learning to the low-performing sales team. On that note, here are some interesting facts about the importance of sales enablement in your organization – 

Sales Enablement Stats

What are the must-have features in a sales enablement tool? 

Should operate with minimal interventions

The sales enablement tool you choose should be able to pick up trends, topics, your organization’s vocabulary, customer patterns automatically and suggest insights on how to get better at conversion.

Rafiki is powered by AI that captures insights across all your calls with minimal intervention. You also have the option to customize it more by feeding in your competitor names, specific product features so that it can connect the dots and offer even better sales-increasing insights.

Rafiki AI Tracker

Should easily integrate with other tools

Your sales enablement tools should easily connect with CRM, conference call tools, calendar, and messaging platforms. This ensures that data flows seamlessly between different tools and there is no information mismatch in different platforms. 

Rafiki can be easily integrated (plug n play) with top CRMs (Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho), Web Conference tools like Zoom, and calendars like Google Calendar. 

For the full list of integrations, click here.

Should let you guide and monitor the team from anywhere and anytime

Since the entire world has shifted to a remote working mode with teams distributed across different time zones, it is essential that your sales enablement tool should let you guide and monitor your sales team from anywhere.

Rafiki is a cloud-based sales enablement tool that you can access anytime anywhere using any device.

Should help improve your win rate and reduce ramp time

The sales enablement tool you choose should help surface moments from your interactions that can benefit your coaching. It should also let you focus on what matters most. The reps should be trained based on these data, learn from them, and quickly get onboarded to start with their responsibilities. 

Rafiki lets you show snippets from high-quality calls of your best SDRs to the new recruits. It also has an AI-curated playlist with all the recommended content for your new SDRs to view. What more, you can even appreciate moments that went well through instantaneous comments.

Rafiki Snippets

Should capture your interactions

Sales enablement tools must be capable of capturing your SDRs’ interactions with the customers and understand how well they are performing. The analysis it provides should help you make smarter decisions, drives the sales process, and increases overall performance.

Rafiki captures all your SDR’s interactions, intelligently transcribes them, and provides immediate analysis. 

Rafiki Sales Analysis

Now that we have seen the must-have features of sales enablement tools, let’s look at the top free sales enablement tools in the market that you can use to boost your conversion.

Top 10 free sales enablement tools


Rafiki is the perfect AI-driven sales enablement tool that can identify patterns in your SDR’s interactions and proactively warns for early action. It’s an extremely easy-to-use sales enablement platform that serves as your trusted personalized advisor to help build a strong sales team. 

Rafiki offers all the important features needed in a sales enablement tool such as capturing call notes and moments, intelligent transcription, conversation, and topic search, and so on. It helps to reduce the ramp time of your SDRs and at the same time reduces the churn rate of your customers. 

HubSpot Sales Hub

If you need to supercharge your sales process with a CRM, then you should choose HubSpot’s Sales Hub. It is a powerful and easy-to-use sales CRM that functions as an excellent sales enablement tool as well. It lets you combine customer data and the power of analytics to improve the rep’s efficiency. 


Guru is an excellent sales enablement tool that helps to streamline your sales workflow in such a way that all the information about the to-do tasks is available at your fingerprints. You can create, access, share and update the information based on a team’s existing workflow to improve their efficiency.


ClearSlide makes every customer interaction successful and useful, whether it’s through email, meeting, or presentation. It provides a platform that combines the integrated communication, content management, engagement analytics, and selling guide to maximize the investment. 


DocSend helps the professionals securely share and control the content between each other which helps in driving the business forward. You can set security preferences, receive notifications at any time, analyze content on a page-by-page basis, and create a virtual deal room.


SalesHood is an all-in-one sales enablement platform that combines all the processes such as coaching, learning, and selling for the remote sales team. This platform will help the remote team, and the partners virtually collaborate to improve the rep’s ramp time, sales velocity, and quota attainment. You can automate the learning and onboarding process with your existing employee management system for better results.


GetAccept provides access to document tracking, analytics, video messaging, proposal creation, e-signature, and contract management. You can track the sales team’s performance in real-time and send comments via live chat for instantaneous feedback.


Modus helps both indirect and direct sellers to transform their sales engagement with better and effective conversations. This hub is an intuitive mobile sales enablement platform that is powered by AI. It provides instant access to the content, best tools, resources for skills development. You can even automate the lead capture process and improve the event performance.


With constantly evolving market trends, the sales team faces many challenges. With Enablix, you can make marketing more effortless with relevant content that can help you navigate a B2B sales process. All the sales team members will have access to the content when they need it for improving their efficiency in sales.


Membrain is one of the popular sales enablement CRM that makes everything easier for the sales team during the execution of the sales process. It helps in better coaching and continuously helps in the improvement of the sales team.  With the analysis, you can track the performance, total sales, and revenue.

What’s next?

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