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July 18, 2024
How to Be an Effective VP of Sales: A Guide to Success

Being an effective VP of Sales is one of the toughest but also a most critical requirement. Afterall, 69% percent of salespeople who exceeded their annual quota rated their sales leader as being excellent or above average. Inevitably, VPs of Sales wear many hats, driving their teams to crush goals while simultaneously building a supportive […]

July 10, 2024
Account Mapping: Definition, Benefits, How to Do It Right and More

The world of B2B sales can feel like navigating a labyrinth. You juggle multiple stakeholders, decipher complex decision-making processes, and tailor your approach for each unique account. Account mapping emerges as a powerful tool to illuminate this path.  By revealing the key players and their relationships within an organization, account mapping empowers you to craft […]

July 5, 2024
Feature Benefit Selling: Definition, Best Practices, Examples and More

Ever feel like your sales pitches fall flat? Feature-benefit selling can change that. It’s a customer-centric approach that transforms product features into tangible benefits, boosting conversions and building trust. By focusing on how your offerings solve real problems, you’ll speak directly to your customers’ needs and watch those “maybes” turn into “yeses.” Let’s dive in! […]

July 2, 2024
How To Do a Performance Improvement Plan Right

Even the most stellar sales reps can hit a rough patch. Sometimes, a performance improvement plan (PIP) is necessary to address performance issues and get things back on track. But a PIP doesn’t have to be a scary document. When implemented correctly, it can be a valuable tool for both the sales leader and the […]

July 1, 2024
30 Insightful Sales Interview Questions to Spot Red Flags

Hiring the right salesperson can make or break your sales team’s success. You need someone with the skills, drive, and cultural fit to thrive in your environment. But how do you identify those qualities during sales interview questions and answers? While experience is important, using the right interview questions can unearth deeper insights that a […]

June 28, 2024
The Right Way to Do Sales Role Play

It’s like what Mike Tyson once said – Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth. Sales calls are no different. You juggle building rapport, understanding needs, and delivering a compelling pitch, all while facing unexpected objections that can feel like getting smacked in the noggin. But what if you could practice […]

June 27, 2024
10 Qualities of A Highly Effective Sales Leader

The hallmarks of a high-performing sales team? Stellar communication, laser focus on customer needs, and an unwavering commitment to achieving goals. But what about the guiding force behind it all? In this article, we’ll delve into the essential qualities of a highly effective sales leader.  We’ll explore the characteristics that set them apart and equip […]

June 25, 2024
Call Mapping: How to Design Every Sales Conversation

Imagine a sales call where you confidently guide the conversation, anticipate objections, and close the deal with ease. Call mapping makes this possible. It’s like a roadmap for your sales call, ensuring you hit all the key points and navigate towards your desired outcome. Whether you’re a seasoned salesperson or just starting out, call mapping […]

June 24, 2024
The Yes Ladder Technique: Prompting Prospects to Say Yes

Ever feel like closing deals is an uphill battle? You spend ages nurturing leads, only to hear “no thanks” at the final hurdle. The truth is, there’s a psychological trick that can significantly boost your conversion rates. It’s called the Yes Ladder Technique, and it’s about strategically guiding prospects towards saying “yes” more often throughout […]

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