July 20, 2022
How to promote cross-functional collaboration in a hybrid environment?

Any company’s success solely relies on how its employees come together, keep together, and work together. Take any successful project in your organization. You will find that there is one common thread linking all of them – cross-functional collaboration. In this post, we’re going to dive deep and understand everything about cross-functional collaboration in a […]

August 27, 2021
The 9 Types of Business Meetings and Why They Matter

Let us begin by quickly defining a business meeting –  “It is simply a gathering of two or more people with an objective of making decisions or discussing company goals and operations.” It doesn’t matter whether your organization has 5 employees or 5000 employees; a business meeting is an unavoidable step in getting things done […]

August 18, 2021
Guide to Google Meet: What, How, Why [Updated 2022]

Google has been making great strides in video chatting far before today’s time of social isolation. However, it had invested immense efforts during the pandemic to ensure that its users can enjoy premium video conferencing for personal and professional purposes. One such video communication platform is, of course, Google Meet. It has replaced Google Hangouts […]

July 5, 2021
Zoom Vs. Google Meet –  A Complete Analysis

The global COVID-19 pandemic has driven businesses everywhere to shift to remote working, making virtual meetings and video calls a regular occurrence for everyone. A lot of productivity and video conferencing tools have become indispensable during these times. Two such tools are Google Meet and Zoom.  In this blog, we will discuss their pros and […]

June 10, 2021
8 Tips and Tricks on How to Use Google Meet

‘Online meetings, what’s the meeting link, please let me in, you are on mute, am I audible’ – most of you might be familiar with these household phrases. The credit goes to the work-from-home phenomenon that has erupted during the pandemic. A tool that helped all of us during this time was Google Meet. Google […]

June 3, 2021
How to effectively run a sales meeting in 20 minutes?

Sales meetings are typically held by the sales manager of a company and are attended by the entire team. It is usually attended by sales enablement leaders, sales reps and if necessary, personnel from other departments also.  “The goal of any sales meeting is to discuss the sales process, highlight the changes to be made, […]

June 2, 2021
VoIP Phone Systems: Everything you need to know

Electricity, Telephone, Computer, Internet, VoIP phone (Voice over Internet Protocol), Artificial intelligence….. Guess what links the above, apart from them being an important part of our lives today? Each of them was a key innovation in their own times and laid the foundation for many other innovations in the subsequent years. As Tom Freston rightly […]

April 1, 2021
How to make a cold call: A definitive guide

Did you know that 82% of buyers become customers only after repeated sales calls?  Even if the definition of cold calling has evolved a lot over time, it’s still one of the best ways to turn your prospects into paying customers. Let’s understand what is cold calling and how cold calling has changed over time. […]

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